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  • Singapore-International Physiotherapy Congress 2024

Guest of Honour

Dr Janil Puthucheary

Senior Minister of State

Ministry of Digital Development and Information and Ministry of Health

will be our Guest of Honour at the 13th SIPC Opening Ceremony

on Saturday, 13th July 2024.

Welcome to the 13th Singapore-International Physiotherapy Congress (SIPC) 2024!

Message from the Congress Organising Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson

Dear Colleagues

Welcome to SIPC 2024! We are very excited to be organizing our first face-to-face congress since the pandemic! We want to take this opportunity to thank all health care professionals coming together and helping out in various possible ways during the crisis.

The theme of the upcoming SIPC congress is Advancing the Frontiers of Physiotherapy: Towards a Healthier SG.  Healthier SG is one of the latest health initiatives by the Ministry of Health (MOH), Singapore.  It is a major transformation in the Singapore healthcare system where the emphasis is shifting from reactively caring for those who are sick, to proactively preventing individuals from falling ill. The main aim of this initiative is to educate and empower our population to reshape their health-seeking behaviours and lifestyles (www.healthiersg.gov.sg). This calls for healthcare professionals including physiotherapists, medical doctors, occupational therapists, nurses, fitness trainers, dieticians and many others to come together and find exciting collaborative working models.

The congress will also include discussions, research and updates that embrace the principles of One Rehab. One Rehab is MOH initiative to improve clinical care services that is currently underway since 2021. One Rehab framework aims to assist therapists and patients in tracking progress towards defined outcomes and rehabilitation goals. It also aims to make the process of rehabilitation clearer by providing standardised criteria for rehabilitation as well as improve patients' access to an expanded scope of community rehabilitation services.

SIPC 2024 is going to be more engaging and interactive.  We have planned an academic and pragmatically orientated program by engaging world-renowned overseas and local experts from the various healthcare professions to speak at SIPC 2024. There will also be one-day workshops conducted by world-renowned overseas and local experts from the various healthcare professions. We recommend colleagues to make the fullest use of this conducive platform for multidisciplinary learning and engagement towards building a healthier population for our respective nations.

Do join us and let’s catch up over a fun filled and exciting learning weekend planned especially for you!


12th to 14th July 2024

Congress Venue:


1 Farrer Park Station Road

Singapore 217562


Click here for details.

Congress Programme-at-a-Glance

Click here for the exciting programme tailored for you!

Click here for the Pre-congress Workshops!

Our Sponsors & Exhibitors

Click here for the list of Sponsors & Exhibitors.

Dr Poonam Pal

Organising Chairperson

13th SIPC 2024

Principal Physiotherapist 

Physiotherapy Centre @ Harbourfront

and Rehab Alliance

Dr Poonam Pal

Organising Chairperson

13th SIPC 2024

Principal Physiotherapist 

Physiotherapy Centre at Harbourfront

A/Prof Kwah Li Khim 

Organising Vice-Chairperson

13th SIPC 2024

Associate Professor

Singapore Institute of Technology

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